Order what you want when you want through our class-leading and extensively customisable online ordering platform; CLOC ONLINE.
This revolutionary platform enables our customers to:
Order catalogue items such as branded stationery and merchandise from CLOC’s storage centre with real-time stock management
Order ad-hoc printed items with instant pricing
Build and order items with template driven software such as business cards
Download individual, departmental and centralised reports
Track items from job placement through to delivery
Set authorisation restrictions on individual users, departments, budgets or products
Make payments via budget codes, departmental cards, debit/credit cards and PayPal
Order from a fully bespoke system that includes customer-relevant paper options, finishing options, pricing matrices, delivery options, content branding and of course, applicable service levels
Over 3,000 customers regularly place work on their bespoke CLOC Online portal.
For all contracted customers with spends of more than £40,000, CLOC will build and
implement a fully bespoke version of CLOC ONLINE free-of-charge.
For information how to access this service, simply email our team at info@clocltd.co.uk.
If you would like more detailed information about CLOC ONLINE’s many features, please
select the Computer Screen Icon -